Народна библиотека „Радоје Домановић“ у Лесковцу, за време ванредног стања, организује низ мера и активности, које су у потпуности бесплатне и прилагођене свим старосним групама грађана Прочитај више

Adult Lending Department

There are a total of 45,907 monographic publications in the Adult Lending Department’s book stock. The book collection is classified according to the UDC system, it is freely accessible and the publications from this department are available for reading outside the Library. In addition to works of domestic and foreign fiction, there is also a significant collection of publications that belong to the field of literary science (literary theory, history of literature and literary criticism), professional literature in various fields, as well as required school reading.
The Adult Lending Department provides library information services to users over the age of 14 (high school students, students, pensioners, and others).
The following library information services are provided at the Adult Lending Department:
– enrollment of Library users and provision of information on the conditions of use of library
information services,
– reading recommendations,
– loan of monographic publications,
– reservation of requested publications,
– professional assistance to users of the catalogue and the mCOBISS.SR application,
– arranging of the department’s bookstock,
– popularization of books,
– electronic processing of publications,
– keeping of monthly statistics and desiderata book,
– daily press loans.
The department cooperates with the stationary branches of the Library, school libraries, preschools, primary and secondary schools, the media and other institutions in the city.

Within the Adult Lending Department, thematic book exhibitions are set up and certain dates related to important personalities are marked (On this day, Remembrance, Anniversaries and We recommend).



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